Brady v. Brady

229 So. 3d 892 (Fla. 5th DCA 2017). The firm successfully appealed a final judgment of divorce on behalf of the former wife. Specifically, the court reversed the trial court’s award of alimony, the requirement that she maintain an insurance policy, and that she...

Dowling v. Dowling

235 So. 3d 970 (Fla. 1st DCA 2017). The Firm prevailed in having the alimony award to the former wife reversed and remanded for recalculation.

Holaway v. Holaway

197 So. 2d 612 (Fla. 5th DCA 2016). The Firm successfully obtained reversal of a final judgment of dissolution of marriage on the issues of calculation of child support, equitable distribution, and an award of post-valuation profits. ...

Ghannam v. Ghannam

188 So. 3d 892 (Fla. 5th DCA 2016) Attorney John Bogdanoff of the Firm successfully defended three orders entered in enforcement proceedings following final judgment being entered in favor of the wife....

Dorworth v. Dorworth

176 So. 3d 336 (Fla. 5th DCA 2015). In this divorce matter, the Firm successfully had the case reversed and remanded to the trial court to reconsider numerous rulings erroneously made in the former wife’s favor.

Eldridge v. Eldridge

147 So. 3d 1048 (Fla. 5th DCA 2014) In a complicated divorce matter, the trial court agreed with the wife’s contention that certain alimony payments were actually shareholder distributions from the marital business. The trial court awarded the wife one-half of the...